--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my New Day Of Defeat Website GrandOpening 7/18/2001 Its a work in progress so dont run away and -Please Sign My Guestbook- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Good News from the DoD Team.. Progress Update We are researching the possiblity of machine gunners, paratroopers, engineers, and flamethrowers as the next DoD class. No definitive winner is apparent yet; but one will step up as the Beta 2 class. The screenshots also include a preview of dod_radar, a map made by Invasion Works' "Want" & "RecoN." This map is simply awesome, even in its current unfinished state!! This map is definately a 2.0 candidate. I understand Want and his crew will release it publically before 2.0 for testing and bug fixes, so be sure to check out www.invasionworks.com for updates on that. I would like to thank Want, Recon, Dim Reaper, and Reiben for helping us test this last evening. Here we have a render of the MG42,
and its allied counterpart, the .30 calibre machinegun: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress Update Did someone say 2.0 ?? I just thought I would drop by and let everyone know that 2.0 is going good, and not stopping for nothing now. Special thx to Valve for all their help so far with 1.3. These guys are great and show great support to us. Also, one more thing before I go, expect a few pics from our talented molo showing off a new weapon\class later on today. I think that should calm everyone down and show 2.0 is going good. Later everyone ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- New model Pics From DoD team Posted on Saturday, August 4, 2001 by molotov_billy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 1, 2001 Beta1.3B Released!